
digital Safety data sheets

Chemparser addresses all its efforts exclusively on Safety Data Sheets  digitalization.

It means to extract from a Safety Data Sheet concepts (signifiers and signifieds)

deep dive into digital data provided

Main data extracted

ChemParser Technology automatically extracts key Safety Data Sheet information within sections 1, 2 and 3 to generate JSON and XML file formats
Section 1
  • Name of the substance or mixture (trade name, designation of mixture)
  • Revision date
  • Language
  • Type of product (Substance/Mixture)
  • Supplier name
  • Recommended use and restriction
Section 2
Hazard Identification
  • CLP classification (according to Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation)
  • Hazard pictograms
  • Signal words
  • Hazard statements
  • Precautionary statements
Section 3
Composition / Ingredients
  • Chemical name / identity
  • CAS number, EC number, Index number, REACH registration number
  • Hazard classes, categories and statements
  • Concentration range
  • M-factor and notes

A True Knowledge
thanks to queryable data

The difference between digital data and analogue information is huge

What you can do with SDSs digital information

Thanks to the digitalization process, you can create a  Database where all of the information about your substances and mixtures are stored, codified and searchable.

It will allows you to take decisions based on data, how meeting your obligations to comply with GHS – REACH & CLP regulation or perform impact analyses based on H and P phrases across your Chemical Inventory or browse and zoom into any mixtures to discover detailed information regarding the components or even make build automatically simplified Safety Data Sheets for your workers.

Govern your SDSs portfolio

get a detailed overview of all the substances and mixtures used within the company

Generate simplified SDSs for workers

Create a simplified SDS with a layout customized to your liking, according to your needs

Connect your Chemical Inventory to lists

echa logo european chemical agency

Candidate list

of substances of very high concern for Authorisation (SVHC)

Authorisation List

(List of substances included in Annex XIV of REACH)

Restriction List

under REACH (Annex XVII)

Harmonized Substances

(Annex VI – CLP Regulation)

Registered substances

oehha california office of environmental health hazard assessment

California Proposition 65

OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) list containing a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that are known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm

osha logo occupational safety and health administration

Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)

OSHA sets enforceable permissible exposure limits (PELs) to protect workers against the health effects of exposure to hazardous substances, including limits on the airborne concentrations of hazardous chemicals in the air

zdhc logo zero discharge of hazardous chemicals

Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals

List of Manufacturing Restricted Substances (MRSL) for the apparel and footwear industry






greenpeace logo


Implement a chemical policy which ban toxic compounds and identify a realistic deadline to eliminate them. React promptly to this emergency with actions, giving priority to the elimination of particularly dangerous substances

Detect hazardous substances and mixtures

applying filters and utilizing advanced research tool you can easily retrieve any chemical information within any SDS extract
more data provided

Other data extracted

the data in section 9 are extracted and encoded


Aromatic Solvents

Boiling point boiling range

Burning time






Corrosive to metals

Critical pressure

Critical temperature

Crystallization temperature

Decomposition point/range


Dispersibility properties

Dissociation constant

Distillation range

Dropping point

Dust explosion

Evaporation rate

Explosion data sensitivity 

Explosive limits

Explosive properties

Fat solubility

Flammability limits

Flammability solid gas

Flammable limits

Flammable properties

Flash point

Flow time


Freezing point

Hazardous air pollutants

Ignition temperature

Ionicity in water

Kinematic viscosity

Lipid solubility

Material supports combustion

Melting point/range

Molecular formula

Molecular weight


Odour threshold

Organic solvents content

Oxidising liquids

Oxidising solids

Particle size

Partition coefficient n octanol water log kow

Percent volatile

Ph value

Physical state

Reactive properties

Refraction index

Relative density

Relative vapour density

Self accelerating decomposition temperature

Self flammability

Self ignition temperature

Vapour pressure

Viscosity dynamic

Viscosity kinematic


json output samples

Section 9 and Subsections content

For further processing Chemparser also extract the content of each subsection present in the SDSs

Section 9
section 4 subs
    "sez09": [
        [ "Physical state"                    Liquid ],

        [ "Colour"                            Yellow ], 
        [ "Odour"                             Characteristic odour ],

        [ "Odour threshold"                   No data available ],
        [ "pH"                                9 (>= 10) ],
        [ "Relative evaporation rate"         No data available ],

        [ "Melting point"                     No data available ],

        [ "Freezing point"                    No data available

        [ "Boiling point"                     100 °C ],

        [ "Flash point"                       100 °C ],

        [ "Auto-ignition temperature"         > 200 °C ],

        [ "Decomposition temperature"         No data available ],

        [ "Flammability (solid, gas)"         Non flammable ],
        [ "Vapour pressure"                   No data available ],

        [ "Relative vapour density 20 °C"     No data available ],
        [ "Relative density"                  0,95 ],
        [ "Solubility"                       No data available ],
        [ "Coefficient n-octanol/water"       No data available ],
        [ "Viscosity kinematic"               No data available ],
        [ "Viscosity dynamic"                 No data available ],
        [ "Explosive properties"              No data available ],

        [ "Oxidising properties"              No data available ],
        [ "Explosive limits"                  No data available ],


    "sub_sez": {
        "4_1": {
            "tag": "description of first aid measures",
            "data": [
                "First-aid measures general Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If you feel unwell, seek medical",
                "advice (show the label where possible).",
                "First-aid measures after inhalation Allow affected person to breathe fresh air. Allow the victim to rest.",
                "First-aid measures after skin contact Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Get medical advice/attention. Specific treatment",
                "(see supplemental first aid instruction on this label).",
                "First-aid measures after eye contact Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy",
                "to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.",
                "First-aid measures after ingestion Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Obtain emergency medical attention."
   "sub_sez": {
        "4_2": {
            "tag": "most important symptoms and effects both acute and delayed",
            "data": [
                "Symptoms/effects after skin contact Causes skin irritation.",
                "Symptoms/effects after eye contact Causes serious eye damage."
   "sub_sez": {    
        "4_3": {
            "tag": "indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed",
            "data": [
                "No additional information available"